What is an erect penis
We must remember that as some animals there is no bone in the human penis. In humans, the organs responsible for the formation are actually two spongy regions called corpora cavernosa. As their name suggests, the caves are made up of small caves.
When the person feels sexually aroused, these areas are filled with blood. Also, since the penis is covered with a layer that does not stretch, it has no choice but to increase the volume while erecting, as the corpora cavernosa is filled with blood.
However, it is necessary to remember that ejaculation and sexual arousal must occur in order for an erection to occur. And according to this desire, the brain orders the penis to be straightened.
In a healthy male, an erect penis can support up to 8 times the normal blood flow. However, a minor problem in complex erection systems may already lead to erectile dysfunction.
- First, sexual arousal is triggered.
- The brain transmits this signal to the body, through the spinal cord and nerves.
- The blood vessels then release nitric oxide.
- Nitric oxide relaxes the arteries of the penis.
- And the blood flow in the penis grows.
- The veins of the penis constrict, trapping blood in the limb.
- Erectile tissue fills with blood, swells and hardens.
- Finally, the penis is erect.